

3D Systems Offering Scalable 3D Printing System for Manufacturing
3D Systems has announced the industry’s first modular, scalable and fully-integrated additive manufacturing platform....
HP Opens 3D Open Materials and Applications Lab in Oregon
HP officially opened its new 3D Open Materials and Applications Lab at its Corvallis, Oregon site this week. The 3,500...
Empowering SMEs to adopt AM to increase productivity & competitiveness
NAMIC and the Singapore Manufacturing Federation are pleased to launch the Industry Partnership Program (IPP), an...
Researchers Adapting Selective Laser Melting Method
Researchers at Peter the Great St. Petersburg University (SPbPU) and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) are...
Contributing to Singapore’s Manufacturing Future through AM
The Region’s Event on Industry-Centric Additive Manufacturing Techniques for Aerospace Sector is here on 6 April 2017...
Portable 3D Printer Builds a Tiny Home with Tiny Price
3D-printing firm Apis Cor, in collaboration with development firm PIK, recently showed off the portable 3D printer it...
This robot can 3D-print & bake a pizza in 6 minutes
One Silicon Valley startup called BeeHex has invented a bot that can 3D-print and bake a pizza in six minutes. The...
Did you know… Oscar Statuettes this year were 3D-Printed
The iconic Oscar statuettes this year were 3D printed by Polich Tallix Fine Art Foundry in upper New York state. Polich...
Defence Groups Researching 3D-Printed Drones
Research from California’s Naval Postgraduate School is exploring the use of 3D printing to develop glider delivery...
Nanoscribe Developing 3D Printing at Nanoscale
At the nanoscale it’s possible to see a tiny universe as just as immense and complex as the universe of planets,...
Challenge Tomorrow – Renewing Industry
In CHALLENGE TOMORROW concerned Singaporeans embark on personal journeys to understand some of Singapore’s...
Time for 3D Metal Printing to Expand Across More Business sectors
The aerospace, automotive and medical sectors are relatively advanced in their use of metal 3D printing. We now need to...