

These 2 Singaporean youth produce & donate 3D-printed face shields to hospitals from their own printing startup

On a regular day, the duo’s 3D printing startup, Siege Advanced Manufacturing, does printing for both mass and customised 3D prints.

However, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, they have recently converted a majority of their 3D printing capacity to produce face shields.

The face shields can be used as an emergency Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for frontline workers. Daphne shares that they want to help because of recent news about the low supply of PPE in Malaysian hospitals, which resulted in frontline workers having to use trash bags as protective gear.

So far, they have donated the face shields to several hospitals and medical centres overseas, and are in talks with organisations in Singapore.

If you think what Daphne and Chi Jie are doing is meaningful, find out how you can support them here.


Source: Mothership

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