

Singapore Government announces a 10-year plan to ramp up Manufacturing sector by 50%

Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing announces the Singapore’s Government vision towards Manufacturing 2030 and launches a 10-year plan to ramp up the Manufacturing sector by 50%.

Singapore Government echoes the need to maintain a strong manufacturing base and thus they will be stepping up efforts for Singapore to become a global business, innovation and talent hub for Advanced Manufacturing [1].

He highlighted that next-generation manufacturing plants no longer involve working in a dirty, dangerous or repetitive environment. “What we are seeing now are people who are working at the cutting edge of technology in clean rooms, and each and every (one) of the machines is so high-tech that many people will be very impressed with what we are able to do in Singapore.”


[1] 10-year plan for Singapore manufacturing to grow 50% by 2030: Chan Chun Sing: http://bit.ly/3pjxtGe 

Photo Credits: Mark Cheong, ST Photo