

Hamilton Labs and Safe Water Gardens Partner for 3D Printing with Recycled Plastics

Built Environment

A collaboration to provide a safe and affordable sanitation system for every rural home!

Hamilton Labs BE3DP Technologies announced its collaboration with Safe Water Gardens (SWG), a Singapore-based Social Enterprise, to integrate, design, and build SWG waste-water management and treatment systems into #BE3DP #housing projects in Indonesia. Plastic parts will be redesigned and 3D printed with recycled and ocean-bound plastics.

With Safe Water Gardens, Better Life Foundation and other partners, Hamilton Labs Built Environment 3DP Ecosystem can now build homes in BE3DP style. The style is #sustainable in every sense, including an autonomous safe #sanitation system (the SWG) made of recycled plastic.

Hamilton Labs aims to revolutionise industrial #AdditiveManufacturing by creating an eco-system that makes building automation simple, scalable, and accessible.

Read more about the collaboration here.