Companies, organizations and individuals continue to attempt to lend support to the COVID-19 pandemic supply effort.
Singapore’s National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC), launched a website dedicated to bringing together members of the 3D printing community to support COVID-19 supply efforts. The site includes a list of resources to allow medical institutions, hospitals and equipment suppliers to connect with 3D printing service bureaus, certification groups and other institutions within the country to design and print parts for medical equipment. The site already lists a number of these parties and will update with guidelines from the Health Sciences Authority of Singapore.
The founders of Siege Advanced Manufacturing and their face shields. Images courtesy of Siege Advanced Manufacturing.
Among those within the NAMIC network is a 3D printing startup called Siege Advanced Manufacturing, which has converted a majority of its printing capacity to producing face shields. With over 50 systems, desktop and otherwise, the company claims to have the largest 3D printing capacity in Singapore and is using it make shields for several hospitals in Singapore and abroad.
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