This project aims to develop a soft support system that can be removed by means of sandblasting, instead of using tools such as a chisel or a hammer in areas with little or no access. At locations where the part features large cross-sectional areas such as the one shown in the picture, the hard support system will be applied. In easy access areas, hard or soft supports may be applied, depending on the part feature. In essence, this hybrid system of hard and soft supports can be applied to manufacture a part successfully, without any design constraints. The development of this solution reflects the true advantage of the metal powder bed fusion technology, ie., design freedom.
Temasek Polytechnic
The DFAMC aims to foster, develop and promote the adoption of additive manufacturing technology, also known as 3D printing technology, through design innovation, application projects and capabilities development, relevant to industry’s needs. It also participates in teaching and learning activities in providing the necessary expertise and platforms.
Bringing together a team with complementary suite of expertise, skillsets and facilities to support innovations in the following industries.

Providing a wide range of facilities and equipment to accelerate the adoption of Additive Manufacturing across multiple industries.
AM Technology : DMLS
Choice of Materials : Ti6Al4V Grade 23
Build Size: 250x250x325 mm
Laser Focus Diameter: 100 µm
Minimum Layer Thickness: 20 µm
AM Technology : DMLS
Choice of Materials : AlSi10Mg, MS1, SS316L
Build Size: 100 x 100 x 100 mm
Laser Focus Diameter: 55 µm
Minimum Layer Thickness: 20 µm”
AM Technology : Binderjet (modified)
Choice of Materials : SS316L
Build Size: 100 x 100 x 100 mm
Minimum Layer Thickness: 20 µm
AM Technology : Material Jetting
Choice of Materials : Thermoset Resin
Build Size: 255 x 252 x 200 mm
Minimum Layer Thickness: 16 µm
AM Technology : Stereolithography
Choice of Materials : Thermoset Resin
Build Size: 145 x 145 x 175 mm
Laser Focus Diameter: 140 µm
Minimum Layer Thickness: 100 µm
AM Technology : Fused Deposition Modelling
Choice of Materials : Thermoplastics
Build Size: 200 x 200 x 175 mm
Minimum Layer Thickness: 100 µm
AM Technology : Fused Deposition Modelling(Dual Extruder)
Choice of Materials : Thermoplastics
Build Size: 295 x 240 x 240 mm
Minimum Layer Thickness: 100 µm
AM Technology : Fused Deposition Modelling(colour)
Choice of Materials : Thermoplastics
Build Size: 200 x 200 x 200 mm
Minimum Layer Thickness: 100 µm
To learn more about the equipment and facilities at DFAMC facility, please visit here.
Explore the breakthrough of additive manufacturing through constant research & development projects.
The objective of this project is to reduce manual operations in dental lab manufacturing. The picture demonstrates the product of cobalt chrome coping and porcelain fused to CoCr dental crowns manufactured using 3D printing technology.