

Business Nature

  • AM Industry Media and Market Research


  • AM Media (Editorial, Marketing and Market Data)

Country of Operations

  • APAC
  • EU
  • RoW
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America

What's Unique

Media and market research company in additive manufacturing, leveraging a global network of contacts and the largest database of industry data in the world

Contact Information

Mr Davide Sher


Address: 58, Rushden Way,

Farnham, Surrey, GU9 0QG, UK

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/voxelmatters

Website: https://www.voxelmatters.group/

The Company

VoxelMatters is a leading market research and media company specializing in the additive manufacturing industry. The company provides in-depth analysis, insights, and strategic consulting services to help stakeholders and adopters capitalize on the latest trends and opportunities in the market.

In addition to research services, VoxelMatters provides content and marketing solutions to help clients effectively communicate their products to an engaged audience.

Since 2106, VoxelMatters publishes the global editorial website VoxelMatters.com that has grown to become a trusted and influential resource for professional AM and also runs VoxelMatters.directory, the largest online directory of additive manufacturing industry OEMs, suppliers, service providers and end-users.

Products and Services

Our market studies provide:

  • Core AM market analysis for Polymers, Composites, Metals, Ceramics (Technical and Traditional)
  • Including: hardware, materials and services, by revenue and volume, current state of the market, 10 year forecasts
  • Vertical AM market analysis (hardware, material, services and end-users) by revenue and volume, current state + 10 year forecast for Consumer Products, Aerospace, Automotive, Energy and more.


Our media properties include:

  • Day to day top news market coverage on VoxelMatters.com
  • The largest directory of companies in the world with over 7,000 listings
  • Curated weekly newsletter
  • AM Focus eBook series – free monthly publications