

MRSA Treatment to Benefit from Microneedle Patches that Enable Local Administration of Antibiotics


Microneedle patches allow local deliverance of drugs into the skin, overcoming the existing limitations of antibiotics treatment for MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infection. MRSA skin infections are potentially lethal, especially in patients with compromised immune systems. Antibiotics are not administered locally for MRSA treatment due to its low ability to penetrate the skin and systemic administration often results in significant side effects. Moreover, even when relatively high doses are administered, the local concentration of vancomycin antibiotics in the skin remains low, which may promote the development of antibiotic resistant strains. Thus, there is a clinical need for local delivery of vancomycin to the skin. Presently, more research is being done to improve efficacy of microneedles.

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