

American National Standards Institute Informational Meeting on Standardization and the Commercial Space Industry

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) organized an informational meeting on Standardization and the Commercial Space Industry – Space Situational and Domain Awareness, Space Traffic Coordination and Management, and Orbital Debris Mitigation on December 7 2020. The purpose of the virtual meeting was to raise awareness of relevant policy and standardization activity relating to these topics and the growing commercial space industry, and to facilitate dialogue on coordination and participation in standards-setting.

300 attendees from the United States and 17 other countries attended the meeting and subject matter experts from government, industry, non-governmental organizations, and academia, exchanged information on relevant policy instruments, industry standards, and best practices. Following welcoming remarks from ANSI president and CEO, Joe Bhatia, a keynote address was provided by Colonel Curtis L. Hernandez, director, National Security Space Policy, National Space Council.

In post-event news, ANSI has announced the availability of a recording and a master slide deck which includes hyperlinks on the names of speakers who had supporting slide presentations. The slide presentations, meeting agenda, speaker biographies, and background reading are also available for individual download from ANSI’s website.

The meeting recording, posted to ANSI’s You Tube Channel, is divided into four segments corresponding to the agenda:

ANSI serves as administrator and coordinator of the U.S. private-sector system of voluntary standardization. In January of 2020, ANSI convened a half-day meeting on commercial space industry standardization and subsequently issued a survey inviting feedback on priority areas, areas needing coordination or not yet being worked on, and topics that could be discussed at an ANSI meeting, thus leading to this event.